Mint Angels Online
The Mint Angels are:

Name: Chris

Position: Guitar + backing vox, usually standing left of centre

Likes: Good films, films that are so crap they're funny, free cigs, popping bubble-wrap, smelling freshly open jars of coffee, putting on clean socks after windsurfing on a cold day, making footprints on fresh snow (ie treading where no man has trod before), sniffing marker pens, removing belly button fluff (my own - removing someone elses would be disgusting and socially unacceptable), Hearing the alarm go off then realising its sunday. Other random stuff.

Dislikes: Insurance salesmen, filling a bowl full of cereal then realising I have no milk, other drivers, too much loose change, someone phoning me up halfway through my pizza to ask if I would consider buying broadband internet from them, scraping ice off the windscreen at 6am, the long dark slow hours between the sound-check and the gig. Oh....and rhubarb.

Influences: A combination of whisky and TV ads, any haunting melody, being dumped, indecision, angst, boredom. All of the above.

Previous bands: Limbofungy, Reality AD, Poobah Khan.

Best Minty Moment: First time Rich played "Nothing". He sat with his bass and a mic during a practice, and gave it a 10 minute introduction along the lines of "It's not really finished and I might change a bit here, and know....I'm not sure it's actually that good, well, I like it, but might be able to do something with it, and I don't know if it will fit and....etc, etc" before playing one of the most haunting and gorgeous songs I've ever heard played on a bass. Was almost a shame to lay a heavily distorted guitar over it. But I did anyway.

Worst Minty Moment: Can't really think of anything that qualifies...maybe finding out that The Casbah as a venue was no more?

Fav non-Minty song of the mo: The entire Muse album, "Absolution"

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